Welcome to the Shipborne Radiometer Network!

The International Sea Surface Temperature (SST) Fiducial Reference Measurement (FRM) Radiometer Network (ISFRN) sets out to develop and promote an international network of ocean and remote sensing scientists who share a particular interest in promoting and improving the use of shipborne infrared radiometers for measuring skin SST at the surface of the ocean, comparable to measurements made by satellite infrared radiometers. This includes operators, designers and builders of such instruments as well as the  user of the data.

The scope of the ISFRN activity can cover all aspects of the science and technology of shipborne radiometers used to measure SST. This includes

  • exchange of operating advice and information that promote best practice for radiometer deployments,
  • establishing protocols for shipborne radiometry including the validation of observations traceable to NMI reference standards,
  • agreeing formats for skin SST data retrieved from ship radiometers,
  • setting procedures for quality control in order to meet agreed standards of accuracy, and
  • provide a single access point of the data collected around the world.

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Join our network

The aim of the International SST FRM Radiometer Network (ISFRN) is to develop a community of in situ radiometer builders. We promote good practice in the construction and operation of in situ radiometers, agree and establish protocols, formats and standards for quality assurance of data and much more.

If you are interested in supplying or using ships4sst data and want to be able to access the full site join our network here.


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