Software tools for data processing can be found in this section. Some of the tools are instrument-specific and will not work on all instruments.

Processing Software

The software used in the course of the ships4SST project includes:

  • Software to process the measurement data acquired by the radiometers into SSTs.
  • Felyx software to generate match-ups with satellite (SLSTR) SSTs
  • Software to generate statistics for each deployment and validate the SLSTR SST product.

The Felyx tool is used by the radiometer operators to identify satellite match-ups from navigation information in the satellite and in situ SST products. A Felyx instance is installed at Ifremer, and an interface has been written for the L2R in situ SST product. The ISFRN will deploy a tool using the Felyx interface to calculate stratified match-up statistics following current best practise (W. Wimmer et al., 2016). 

Instrument specific tools


The L2R converter Tool is used to produce the L2R format netcdf daily data files. It is user configurable and is an easy way to generate L2R by converting from ASCII. The tool is written in Python script (v2.7) and can be downloaded from the ISFRN FTP along with the user manual. 


The Keyhole Markup Language (KML) is used to describe and display geographical information. The tool is currently written in IDL although there are plans to port it to C and Python. The tool generates a KML file which is a text-based format containing elements that represent shapes, images, animations (etc.) and it can be used to generate ship tracks over Google Earth with details on date, time and SSTskin shown when you click on parts of the track.