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Radiometer Data Timeliness

Data on Pont Aven,  M/S Norröna and QM2 is downlinked via satellite to UoS, DMI and RAL Space, respectively, and can be analysed in near real-time to check that the instrumentes are operating correctly. Data for transer to Ifremer is acquired when the ships are in their home ports. The means that the data is several weeks delayed compared to real-time. However, this is adequate for validation of the SLSTR data, which is a long-term effort. 


Procedure used to procure the satellite data to be validated

All available Sentinel-3 SLSTR SST products are routinely collected and archived at Ifremer. This archive forms the basis of the validation dataset. In principle, the Felyx tool allows "miniProd" satellite data extracts to be generated from any archive where an operator maintains a Felyx instance and has chosen to make their data accessible. This can include the ESRIN and EUMETSAT archives. 


The L2R data currently in the ships4sst archive (December 2021), shown as SST on a world map: