This page is split into sections depending on the type and use of the document. Directly below are documents containing general information on radiometric measurements and plans, followed by links to the project deliverables and workshop documents.


Guides on radiometric measurements: 

Optical Radiometry for Ocean Climate Measurements especially chapters 3.2 and 5.2.

Protocols to maintain the SI traceability of shipborne radiometers

The Recommended ISFRN L2R Data Specification and User Manual 


ships4sst 2019 Project Documents:

Project documents from 2018 - 2019 can be found here, including deliverables and workshop presentations.


FRM4SST Phase 1 Project Documents: 

Project documents from 2019 - 2020 can be found here, including deliverables and workshop presentations.


FRM4SST Phase 2 Project Documents: 

Project documents from 2021 - 2023 can be found here, including deliverables and presentations.


FRM4SST Phase 3 Project Documents: 

Project documents from 2023 - 2026 can be found here, including deliverables and presentations.


Project Posters:

Ships4sst Project Poster

GHRSST Project Poster